Saturday, December 10, 2011

December - again

I don't have pictures to share right now.  I do have an elf I just finished last night and mailed out today though - and will post pictures hopefully by tomorrow.  Peppermint elf is part of a doll swap I'm participating in on A Dolls Safe Haven.  I received my gift from another member - Aileen - she's a wonderful artist.  I haven't opened the gift yet - it's for Christmas after all. 

I'm going to Texas for Christmas so I will have the holiday with my dad.  When I come home in January, there will be a little Christmas for my family here. 

My Granddaughter, Samantha, is turning 6 on the 21st and I will be on my way to Texas that very day - so we did an early birthday party for her here at my house.  She was a very happy and lucky girl.  We had her birthday dinner of "Regular" chicken, mashed potatoes and corn - with a bubbly cider toast - topped off with a Barbie chocolate cake and mint chip ice-cream.  All Sammy's favorites.

Tried to remember what it was like when I was 6 - kind of stretches the memory though - I know it was good....

1 comment:

Fran said...

Where in Texas are you going to be? I'm in the Dallas area. I live in Wylie, Texas now.